



新綠能實驗迷你模組NewEnergy Minikit

產品型號: 2001
廠牌名稱: leXsolar





Energy forms and energy conversion
Electrical energy and electrical circuits
The solar cell as energy source
The orientation of the solar cell to light
Difference between solar cells and solar panels
Partial shading of the solar panels
Wind energy conversion
The influence of wind direction
The influence of number of rotor blades
The influence the rotor blade shape
The influence of the rotor blade pitch 
Energy from water power
Energy conversions at the water turbine
Influence of the water head
Influence of the angle of incidence
Operation of a solar-powered electric car
The speed of the electric car depending on the sunlight conditions
Operating an electric car with the capacitor
Energy storages
Solar energy storage
Wind energy storage
Optional fuel cell expansion: generation of hydrogen
The properties of a fuel cell
The properties of a electrolyzer
Saving Energy
Comparison light bulb - LED


List of components:
1 x 1100-02 Solar module 0.5 V, 840 mA 太陽能元件
1 x 1100-07 Solar module 1.5 V, 280 mA 太陽能元件
1 x 1100-20 Lighting module 光源元件
1 x 1100-25 Buzzer module 蜂鳴器元件
1 x 1100-26 Light bulb module 燈泡元件
1 x 1100-27 Motor module without gear 馬達元件
1 x 1100-28 Color discs - Set 1 紙製彩色片
1 x 1100-29 Solar cell cover set (4 pieces) 遮片組
1 x 1100-31 Solar module 2.5 V, 420 mA 太陽能元件
1 x 1600-02 Capacitor module 5.0F/5.4V 電容元件
1 x 1400-08 LED-module 2mA, red LED元件
1 x 1400-12 leXsolar-Wind rotor set 風力發電機扇葉組
1 x 1400-19 Wind machine 風機
1 x 1400-21 Wind rotor set (assemblied) 風力發電機扇葉祖(組裝)
1 x 1400-22 Wind turbine module 風力發電機元件
1 x 1602-01 Base unit small 小型基板
1 x 1602-02 Hand generator 手搖式發電機
1 x 1800-15 Distilled water (100 ml) 蒸餾水
1 x 1801-02 Electric model car 電動車
1 x 1900-01 Water wheel module 水輪發電機元件
1 x L2-02-051 Silicone tube 12 mm 矽膠管
1 x L2-06-014 Test lead black 50 cm 黑色連接線
1 x L2-06-015 Test lead red 50 cm 紅色連接線
2 x L2-06-033 Short-circuit plug 短路連接器
1 x L2-06-067 Reversible Fuel cell 可逆式燃料電池
1 x L3-01-104 Padding universal wind
2 x L3-01-013 Lid for tray 上蓋
1 x 2001-01 Box 2001 外箱
1 x L3-01-174 Insert NewEnergy Kit 箱內分隔
1 x L3-03-218 Layout diagram 2001 NewEnergy Minikit 元件對照表
1 x L3-03-220 Instruction for use of finger protector
1 x L3-03-258 Info sheet initial startup



