



2022 PASCO Cup 結構模型創意組裝競賽 圓滿落幕囉

MAR 28 ,2022

2011年3月11日,日本東北地區發生大地震,伴隨而來的巨大海嘯造成了非常嚴重的災害,甚至導致了福島第一核電站事故的發生。「2022 PASCO Cup結構模型創意組裝競賽」選定於3月11日舉辦別具意義,各組參賽同學皆透過PASCO結構組,發揮各種想像力與創造力,組出了十分創意的飯店模型,而「振盪週期」為本次活動最主要評分項目,因為「振盪週期」為描述結構運動的基本特性,也作為結構安全的重要評估指標。建築結構的「美觀造型」是本次活動的另一項重要評分指標,結合了「結構安全」、「創意」、「造型」,歡迎點擊下方連結欣賞各校同學優秀的參賽作品

On March 11, 2011, a large earthquake occurred in the northeastern region of Japan, and the accompanying huge tsunami caused very serious disasters, and even led to the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. The "2022 PASCO Cup Creative Structure Competition" was selected to be held on March 11 with special significance. Each group of participating students used their imagination and creativity to build a very creative hotel model using the PASCO structure system. The "cycle" is the main scoring item, because the "period" is the basic characteristic of describing the movement of the structure, and it is also an important evaluation index for the safety of the structure. The "beautiful appearance" of the building structure is another important scoring indicator of this activity. Combining "structural safety", "creativeness" and "appearance", please click the link below to enjoy the excellent entries of students from each school




  • 第一名; 瑞芳高工 (Kong Fang)
  • 第二名: 精誠高中 (Rome Hotel)
  • 第三名: 竹北高中 (溪畔旅宿)



In fact, this event was originally scheduled to be held on 2021/5/21 in the campus of Cheng Kung University. Through the professional shaking table in the school, the participating students could observe the vibration of the building structure under the simulated earthquake. It is a pity that the outbreak of the epidemic in May last year caused the event to be postponed to March this year. However, at the beginning of this year, the epidemic again heated up and we could not hold it on campus, so this event was changed to online. Each group of participating students made a video as their entry, and the judges also scored based on the concept display, period implementation, structural design and beautiful appearance presented in the video. The top three teams with the highest scores will be the top three of the event. 2022/3/11 is the award ceremony of this event, the judges announced the top three winners on that day:

  • The champian: Jui-Fang Industrial High School (Kong Fang)
  • 2nd place winner: Ching Cheng High School (Rome Hotel)
  • 3rd place winner: National Chupei Senior High School (Creekside Inn)

Please click the link below to enjoy the top three works and their comments from the judges




Thanks for the hard work of the judges, leading teachers, participating students and all the staff. Through this activity, in addition to adding an unforgettable experience and memory to the students' high school career, it also allows the students to have an understanding of "civil engineering", we have edited this event into a high-quality video, welcome to click and watch it